08 Mar International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day is a worldwide event that celebrates women’s achievements from the political to the social – while calling for gender equality. Today, March 8th 2018 we want to celebrate the amazing Women we work with here at Landmark.
2 such women, Diviya Varsani and Simran Virdee have been participating in “Swim 22”- the sponsored swim raising awareness and money for Diabetes UK. They have been going swimming at least 3 times a week, even though the #beastfromtheeast tried its best to stop them!
Diviya is currently on 200 lengths and Simran, on 180 lengths. They are yet to complete 1408 lengths to get their 22 miles’ achievement. They are doing very well keeping motivated and strong in order to raise awareness for this charity. Everyone here at Landmark is so very proud of them. If you would like to sponsor, please do so by clicking on this link: http://www.justgiving.com/Simran-Virdee1?utm_id=27
We wish them the best of luck! #IDW2018 #Wegotthis #Lifeatlandmark #Internationalwomensday #girlpower #equality
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